Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Day 8 - We have ignition...

"Come writers and critics
Who prophesy with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won't come again
And don't speak too soon
For the wheel's still in spin..." - Bob Dylan

OK, things are under way. The first appointment this morning was with the device programming folks. The Activa unit will be turned on and functioning before we return home, but due to changes as the brain heals, I'll have to return here to adjust the parameters about two weeks after the surgery. Other programming adjustments may have to be made in the coming few months.

Next up was a meeting with Debb Gorman, Dr. Lee's nurse. I learned what to expect tomorrow in great detail, down to a map of where all the surgical personnel would be standing. They are nothing if not thorough! I also learned that as of this morning, Dr. Lee was still in Korea. Hmm...jet lagged brain surgeon? No "OOPS!", please.

I'll have my head immobilized in a "halo" for about five hours. Guh.

The last appointment was a pre-surgical exam. I passed, so woo-hoo! Heart & lung function normal, blood pressure OK, all systems go. I'm to report to surgical admissions at St. Mary's Hospital at 5:30 AM!!! Liftoff soon afterward. I reiterate - I am VERY excited.

This place (The Mayo Clinic and its associated facilities) is amazing. Everything is operated exteremely efficiently, yet is oddly unhurried. It is NOTHING like medical care at home. The mission statement, by the original Dr. Mayo, is "The needs of the patient come first." The staff takes it very seriously.

But the staff members are wonderful. It's obvious they enjoy their work. We've had a lot of laughs, not unlike the banter I like to engage in with restaurant staff. The difference is, these are dedicated professionals who don't bring the wrong salad dressing.

We're headed for an early dinner at Macaroni Grill. I have to fast tonight, and a 4:00 AM wake up call will come awfully early. As they say, We'll be right back after these important messages.

ADDENDUM: While at dinner, our car (specifically the driver's side mirror) was clobbered by a Suburban. That's the bad news. The good news - the driver left his information in a note on the windshield - and his name is Lars. I love Minnesota.

Thanks for your interest,


dinahlab said...

Jet-lag, shmet-lag. I'm sure Dr. Lee's used to working with no sleep, so I wouldn't worry about it. That's why those guys have to do residencies where they aren't allowed to sleep for 72 hours. Or am I thinking about a secret CIA camp? I get them confused.

Have "fun" tomorrow, it actually sounds like it will be interesting enough that you won't have time to think about either the 1) discomfort or 2) irony of the halo.

Do they do the general anesthesia procedure first so that you can eat in between the general and the local???? Of course, that would be one of my top priorities -- when do we eat? (are we there yet? is there a rest stop coming up? dad, he's on my side!!!! get him off!!!!) not to mention that a DMD once told me that most of the anesthesia "reactions" out there are actually caffeine withdrawal problems.

Bobbi's job will probably be the hardest. Good luck to her too!

I am digressing..... good luck and best wishes, I will be thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

Tom, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I will be thinking about you!
Just think, it's almost here. BEHAVE while you are getting this done!

Tell Bobbi to call me if she gets lonely and needs someone to talk to.
Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

How did I get such great relatives? Diane, it's impressive to me that someone I've known from birth (yours, obviously, not mine!) could be all grown up and so witty and smart. Tom, it's comforting to know that someone I've known since birth (yes, mine this time) still includes me as one of his relatives.

I am sending positive thoughts your way. I keep thinking of how Rochester, MN was our sure-thing "x" on vacation when playing the alphabet game. Some X-ray place or another we'd pass. Must be some kind of good karma there.

I'd be careful about that banter during the procedure -- you don't want to provoke that "Oops" with one of your best lines. What if they're laughing so hard they hook up the leads backwards? Would you suddenly talk like a movie running in reverse? Just be a good patient and do just what the nice nurses tell you. "Wake up, Mr. Fahrig, it's time for your sleeping pill."

You and Bobbi take care and maybe we can have a Christmas gift exchange when you get home. I'll be thinking of you.

Your baby sister

dinahlab said...

Hey, I forgot to ask, tell us more about Lars.... ! ;-)

Anonymous said...

and... engage. make it so! wowie wow, wow. once again, 7:55 am. you are there. it's happening. can't wait to hear what you have to say next. too bad i can't get a mobile alert for new posts. i'm sorry i missed this one last night. shani and i sent all good chi to you last night at tai chi so you are all taken care of. how wonderful it is to be in the care of the very, very best - Bobbi, the staff, doctors, chi senders, people who take off mirrors and leave notes - making bad news into something nice. Aw, these are good times we are living in. you are one lucky man. enjoy your new toy! aw, just think of the tai chi that can be done! the soup that can be 'et! can't wait! ...all good things --tracy

Anonymous said...

Tom and Bobbi! I was so pleased to get a message from Becky last night about 7pm letting me know that everything went very well. Bobbi, thank you so much for having her call me. I had been wondering all day. I was getting ready to give Susan a call ! I CANNOT wait to hear about how everything is going now that Tom is all bionic and stuff. Great!!! I am so thrilled. I also heard that he kept the doctors very entertained - I'm wondering if that was really a wise thing to do during BRAIN surgery???? Can't wait to hear!! --Tracy

Kris said...

Hope everyone's treating you well up there. Love the Lars story! You can't beat those Minnesotans.

dinahlab said...

I, too, am glad everything went well. I left a message for mom on the cell of the guy on the boat whose boss didn't want him to be out of touch.... I basically read her excerpts from Tracy's comment... if there's anything specific you'd like passed on to her, just let me know. Otherwise, I'm sure she'll call you when she gets back.


PS Susan's comment had me very confused until I realized that the comment was from YOUR baby sister, not mine. Probably tells you something about my state of mind to know that wasn't for about 24 hours.....

Anonymous said...


See Ya Soon Dude!!

Have a great recoup and return.

Thoughts and Prayers and Chi and Stuff all comin your way!!
