Thursday, March 01, 2007

Days 3 & 4 - Nothing's ever simple

Well, well, well.

Wednesday began as another great day. The only appointment I had was with the team who programs the control unit/battery pack that will power my little bionic apparatus. The meeting was informative, and I evidently asked the right questions; it's possible (with the surgeon's permission) to give me at least limited programming access to the device.

So I was done with meetings by 10:00 AM. Since serious snowfall had been forecast for Wednesday evening and Thursday, we drove around town to see what we could see.

Minnesotans are sticklers for postal accuracy...

Minnesotans are a hardy people...

We came back to the hotel at about 3:00, and I sat down to write the day's blog. At that very moment, I was hit with either a virulent rapid onset stomach virus or food poisoning. I don't know which, and it really doesn't matter. Necessary actions are the same. Anyway, I haven't been able to get far from a bathroom since, and Bobbi joined me in sick bay about two hours later. Our night wasn't much fun.

This morning, I dragged myself to meet with Dr. Lee, the surgeon; a very impressive guy. We're shooting for March 21 as D-Day. He'll do both parts of my surgery on the same day to minimize my time away from home. I'm very excited!

We would have preferred to head south right after that meeting, but neither of us can currently be too far removed from "the facilities"' particularly timewise. In addition, I-35 is currently closed from Albert Lea to Ames. We'll try again tomorrow.

Thanks for your interest,


Anonymous said...

Pollyanna speaking here: look at your "problem" as keeping you from the various weather problems I've been hearing about up and down that I35 corridor and beyond. I know Minnesota is a wonderful place to be but hope you can leave soon...
...And travel safe and well, you two.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling better or were at least well enough to meet with the Dr... Mike, Shani, Candi and Kelli asked about you at Tai Chi last night. I directed them to your blog. If Stephanie is any indication, this lovely thing you and Bobbi have been experiencing seems to "move through" quickly. Be well and safe travels home. --Tracy

Kris said...

I'm enjoying the pictures and commentary. I hope you and Bobbi are feeling better, but the news on the surgery sounds good, so your spirits must be up anyway. Now if only you could get out of the bathroom...